This Term aims to register your free expression, agreeing with the treatment of your personal data in accordance with Law No. 13,709 - General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD).
Below, you will be able to mark with for the progress of the registration.
By agreeing, you will consent to Infinity Asset Management to process your personal data in operations of: collection, reception, production, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction, all in accordance with Law No. 13,709 – General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD).
Privacy Policy

Personal data
At a minimum, the data below will be required for the aforementioned treatment, which are essential to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation:
- Full name of the client, parents and spouse, if informed;
- Birth date;
- Number and copy of the Identity Card (RG), if sent to us;
- Number and copy of the Individual Taxpayer's Registry (CPF), if sent to us;
- Number and copy of the National Driver's License (CNH), if sent to us;
- Marital status;
- Level of education or schooling;
- Full addresses and copy of receipt, if forwarded to us;
- Phone numbers and email addresses;
- Bank, branch and bank account number;
- Specific username and password required to use Infinity services.
- Communication, verbal and/or written, maintained between the client and Infinity.
Purposes of Data Processing
Among others, the processing of personal registration data aims to:
- Enable contact for business relationship purposes;
- Identify and prevent possible security threats;
- Evaluate statistics;
- Send reports and/or disclosures about investment funds and services;
- Enable the structuring, testing, classification of their Investor profile in order to inform them about investment funds suitable or not for their Investor profile;
- Improve and/or correct systemic problems;
- Allow service to Users so that everyone, including you, can contact us whenever possible, and vice versa.
Data Sharing
- Preserving the privacy, security and confidentiality of information, Infinity Asset may share the
Registered data: - With strategic partners, service providers and/or contracted suppliers;
- For the purposes of this Privacy Policy or in other situations where your consent is requested;
- For compliance and execution of legal, regulatory obligations;
- To comply with requests and decisions of judicial, administrative or arbitration authorities;
- For investigation of possible violations and analysis of PLDFT in light of the Laws for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Anti-Corruption (9,613/98, 12,683/12, 12,846/13, 13,260/16), among other related regulations;
- For situations where sharing is necessary for the creation, operation and improvement of Infinity Asset's systems, activities, services with strategic partners, as well as for fulfillment of the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.
Data Security
Infinity is responsible for maintaining security, technical and administrative measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and from accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or improper or illicit treatment.
In accordance with art. 48 of Law No. 13,709, Infinity will communicate to the customer and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) the occurrence of a security incident that may cause significant risk or damage to the customer.
Customer Rights
The customer has the right to obtain from Infinity, in relation to the data processed by him, at any time and upon formal request: I - confirmation of the existence of treatment; II - access to data; III - correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data; IV - anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or non-compliance with the provisions of Law No. 13,709; VI - elimination of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in the cases provided for in art. 16 of Law No. 13,709; VII - information on the entities with which Infinity shared the use of data; VIII - information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of denial; IX - revocation of consent, pursuant to § 5 of art. 8 of Law No. 13,709.
End of Data Processing
Infinity Asset may maintain and process the personal data registered during the entire period in which they are relevant to regulatory compliance and to the scope of the purposes listed in this term. Anonymized personal data, with no possibility.
A Infinity não solicita dados de cartão de crédito, nem dados sensíveis como: origem racial ou étnica, convicção religiosa, opinião política, filiação a sindicato ou a organização de caráter religioso, filosófico ou político, saúde, vida sexual, genética ou biometria, quando vinculado a pessoa natural, bem como nunca dará andamento em quaisquer solicitações ou dados de crianças ou adolescentes, menores de 18 anos.
A Infinity não se responsabiliza por prejuízos, diretos ou indiretos, de qualquer natureza, decorrente da utilização indevida de nossa ferramenta eletrônica e por qualquer dano direto ou indireto ocasionado por eventos de terceiros, como: ataque de hackers, falhas no sistema, no servidor ou na conexão à internet, inclusive por ações de softwares maliciosos como vírus, cavalos de Tróia, e outros que possam, de algum modo, danificar o equipamento ou a conexão em decorrência do acesso, utilização, ou navegação, bem como da transferência de dados, arquivos, imagens, textos, áudios ou vídeos.
As regras aqui estabelecidas limitam-se à nossa ferramenta eletrônica e não abrangem sites de terceiros , por exemplo, parceiros, que eventualmente sejam neles mencionados.
Você compreendeu o Termo de Uso e Política de Privacidade, acima, aceita e concorda com o conteúdo?
Caso não concorde, nos contate pelo e-mail ou com nossa equipe de cadastro no telefone +55 11 3049-0770.