Infinity is committed to quality and credibility. Its service provision is based on ethical and legal rules and procedures regarding Compliance - Internal Controls that are observed by all partners, officers, employees, always in line with the applicable regulations.
The funds are audited by BDO Trevisan Auditores Independentes, AUDIPEC Auditoria e Perícia Contábil, among others when chosen by shareholders of exclusive funds.
In compliance with regulatory requirements and in order to maintain the transparency of our actions, we provide below some important information.
- Infinity Asset Reference Form
- Code of Ethics
- Order Apportionment Policy
- Policy of Exercise of Voting Right
- Infinity Asset Risk Management Policy
- Policy for Hiring Third Parties
- Information Security
- Contingency and Continuity Policy
- Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
- Pricing Manual-RJI
- Compliance Manual
- Management Rating
- Segregation of activities policy
*The policy for securities trading by managers, employees, associates and by INFINITY itself, as well as the training program, are part of the Compliance Manual. Also, the entire content of the Manual and Policies must be interpreted as rules, procedures and description of the internal controls prepared by INFINITY to comply with CVM Instruction 558, of 03/26/2015, revoked by Resolution 21, of February 25, 2021.


Infinity Asset monitors and manages in detail all the risks of the investment chain, not only concerning the client but also concerning the company itself. For this, Infinity Asset has systems developed by renowned companies in the financial market, capable of calculating and managing the following risks: Market, Liquidity, Classification and Credit.
Among the methodologies used we can mention VaR - (Value at Risk), Interest Curve Risk Indicators (Duration, Modified Duration, PVBP 1 Year Equivalent, Rotation, Parallel Movement and Curvature), simulation of positions in stress situations (Stress Test), interest rate curve exposure graphs, risk calculation according to pre-established monthly limit, among others.
The information contained in this material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any type of investment advice and should not be used for this purpose. Infinity Asset Management Ltd., its administrators and employees disclaim liability for any damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the information contained in this website.
Investment funds are not guaranteed by the fund manager, the portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism or the credit guarantee fund – FGC. The profitability obtained in the past does not represent a guarantee of future profitability. Investors are advised to carefully read the prospectus and investment fund regulations when investing their funds. The reported profitability is not net of taxes.